I'm exhausted, frustrated and a bit sad. We think Euan is having some food intolerance issues, similar to Fiona. When I was pregnant I got asked about the possibility of this and I had asked her allergist. He said there was no increased likelihood for him because of Fiona; instead it was higher because Ryan and I have allergies. Ok. I honestly didn't really think about it, probably for two reasons: I felt too crappy to do so and I didn't think it would happen. I think I may have been wrong.
Late last week we noticed Euan beginning to poop more frequently. He is now going at least a dozen times a day if not up to 15 and it is pure liquid. The seediness is gone. He began to spit up and is now having frequent episodes of vomiting nearly every time he eats. The gassiness is amazing. To be frank, he farts like an adult. He is increasingly unhappy with life, is obviously uncomfortable and struggles to sleep (many nights I just hope the sun comes up soon). I feel like a bit of de-ja-vu here.
Ryan and I talked and didn't know if we were jumping to conclusions but there have been obvious changes in his pooping, puking and demeanor in general. We spoke with the pediatrician who agreed with our thought to eliminate dairy from my diet, as it is the most common allergy in babies. Done. Now is the hard part.... we wait (it can take a week or two before it is out of both of our systems) and pray pray pray it helps. If not we will likely move on to eliminate soy.
The whole thing breaks my heart. All I want is for my kids to be happy and healthy and Euan is miserable. I'd go back to vomiting myself silly if he'd feel better. I can just hear my mom saying the same thing when I was sick. It's just what a mother does. What I can do now is feed, kiss, snuggle, change lots of diapers and wait.
Fiona isn't a big fan either. She gets upset when Euan cries, so at times we struggle to keep both from melting down. I feel bad because he is nursing more frequently leaving less time for me to spend with her. Thankfully she has lots of people around who love her.
So like I said above, I am exhausted, sad and frustrated which in tern makes me crabby. I apologize if I've been short or crabby with anyone; I am trying my best not to be. There are many people who have called, written or sent gifts. I am severely behind on returning phone calls, emails and writing thank-yous. I will get to it. It doesn't mean we don't appreciate it because we so deeply do. It just means when Fiona goes to bed and the dishes are done we barely have time to speak to each other before we fall asleep or try to get ourselves to bed. As I write this I am thinking...I should be sleeping.
I'll keep you all posted..... until then, we'll wait.