Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Knowing my Dad just seeing this title is making him cringe.  Yes Dad, this whole post is about you.  

How will this wonderfully selfless man spend his birthday today?  Here with my mom, me and the kids.  He'll get here at 7:45am and leave around 6:00pm.  This has been the story of his life lately (since my hand surgery) and more or less for the past year (since I got pregnant).  He'll play with Fiona, give her horsey rides (yup, the same ones I got when I was a little girl), kiss up Euan and give him the hiccups.  We'll visit about anything and everything (I've learned lots of new things about my Dad in the past year and really enjoyed our conversations) and he'll wash diapers, dishes and maybe even the floors.  He might sit down if I tell him he should take a break for a minute, but he'll be folding clothes or stuffing diapers when he does.  If it wasn't raining he'd probably mow the lawn.  Before he and my mom leaves they'll make sure we have dinner ready and no they won't even eat with us (I ask....they say no).  

I am blessed to have this outstanding man as my Dad.  He is everything I could ask for as a Dad and Grandpa.  I am so very grateful he has put his own life on hold to help us.  Knowing my Dad, he didn't think twice about it.  Thank you for all you've done and continue to do for us.  I love you!  

Monday, September 26, 2011

2 Steps Back

Meet Big Red.
Long story short.  I first noticed popping (tendon moving out of its tunnel over the bone) in my wrist on September 17th.  I talked to the Doc and OT.  I stopped wrist exercises and got a new brace in hopes to alleviate this problem.  It helped a little but the popping kept happening.  This morning I called the Doc and we decided more immobilization was needed.  I see the Doc again next Monday.  I'm hoping for progress by then.  The plus side is I'm always wearing Badger colors.  Yes I drove home before realizing it wasn't the smartest thing I could have done.

*Dictated by me with Ryan working the keyboard.