Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby Books: Endearing Memories or Stress Producers

So is it just me or are baby books just around to cause parental anxiety?  I say this for two reasons. 

First of all, Ryan and I did a great job with Fiona's for about the first 2 months.  Then I did an ok job at writing in it but we fell off the wagon when it came to pictures.  Then there were those special pages - first vacations, holidays and such that were just left blank.  Of course when we got pregnant with Euan we knew we had to get hers "done" or at least caught up before he arrived.  So the weekend before Euan arrived Fiona's baby book was done, all the pictures printed and written in as best as we could.  I didn't find this very enjoyable, it actually stressed me out.  I felt like a bad mom for not having it done and was under the gun to get it done. 

Currently I feel guilty about not writing in Euan's.  Well, when I finished Fiona's I did write a few things in his (you know the, "who is your mom" page stuff).  I honestly didn't realize I hadn't written in his since he was born until last week.  There came the Mommy guilt.  I've kept the goodies from the hospital and cards from people to go in it and they are all sitting on top of the book on my dresser.  It is now calling my name and yet I am already behind.  Ahhhh! 

So I am wondering if people actually look at their baby books?  I really would like to know, please tell me!  We have Ryan's and we found it when we were looking for a baby picture of him after Fiona was born.  I don't think I've seen a baby book of mine (sorry Mom if I have and I don't remember it). 

Oh, and I am sure I will finish Euan's as I would feel too bad not to!  Although, I should probably start it first.  Maybe I'll do just is 8:50pm though.  I think I'll go to bed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Natural Flavors = Frustration

Natural flavors are two words I never thought twice about until I started reading food labels.  Now they drive me crazy.  Excuse me for saying but what the hell is a natural flavor?  I know companies want to keep their secret recipes secret but can't you just tell me what is in your food or beverage so I know if I can eat it?  It is no secret that Fiona has food allergies and I modified my diet while breastfeeding her.  Now of course her diet is different too.  I have again changed my diet for Euan. 

Today I got very irritated with the term natural flavors as I bought some dry roasted sun flower seeds (yup, I take full responsibility for not reading the label in the store, my fault and I will put my guard back up).  I get home, Fiona is sleeping, Euan is sleeping and I go to have a snack.  As I have a handful I look at the label and I roll my eyes and have some choice words as the last ingredient is natural flavors.  I stupidly assumed the one and only ingredient would be sunflower seeds.  Again, I will get my food guard back up and rolling.  

According to Title 21, Section 101, part 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations:
"The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional."

So really anything but the kitchen sink.  We got burned by the term natural flavors with Fiona.  The moral of the story is avoid natural flavors and read a label on the next thing you eat - there will probably be some natural flavors. 

One more thing....for those of you who know me, I drink Pepsi.  Last ingredient is natural flavors.  I spoke with multiple people at Pepsi who assure me there is no soy in Pepsi.  We've tested that, they are correct.