Saturday, July 2, 2011

A clean bill of health!

Yesterday I had my 6 week postpartum check with my OB.  I had seen her 3 other times since Euan was born but this was the last official check.  Two of the other visits were for blood pressure issues and the last time I was there was for mastitis.  This time everything was perfect including my BP which was 118/76!  Yay!!  My doc and her assistant were joking that I'll have to call just to say hi since they are so used to seeing me every other week if not more often. 

It was really really nice to hear everything was good.  That hasn't happened since I was pregnant, something was always off.  It is also quite amazing to me how much better I feel now than I did while I was pregnant.  The other day my mom and I were talking about them being here to help with Fiona while I was pregnant.  Of course now it seems silly to me, taking care of Fiona alone isn't that hard....then I remembered I could barely care for myself more or less a one year old.  It just reminds me how terrible I felt and what a world of difference it is today.  I am still tired like every new mom is, but I will take that any day of the week! 

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