Celebrating 5 years of marriage (2009). Canoe Bay |
1) Pick an appropriate place. We choose to have date night over dinner. Trying to have a serious conversation at 6:00pm on a Saturday night at BW3's (while yummy) might not be the best option. Our favorite date night location is Mia Famiglia in Hales Corners.
2) Plan ahead. Make sure you both know when it is and allow enough time for good conversation. Know where you will be going and if you need a reservation, make one.
3) Make a list. If you think you'll forget what you want to talk about write it down
4) Put the cell phone away. Nothing is more important than time with your spouse. Facebook, friends and work will wait.
5) Tell your waiter/waitress you are not in a hurry. We make it clear we are happy to have a slow dinner and not in any rush (best to go later so you don't hold up the whole place of course). Most good servers will get the hint and leave you be. If not, tell them to go away.
6) Have an open mind. This is the time to bring up anything and everything. Don't get defensive. This is your spouse and their feelings and what they are saying is purely out of love for you (if not maybe you should look for a different partner).
7) Listen. Enough said.
8) Hold hands. Seems like an automatic way to calm down and connect. Makes me smile just thinking about it.
Since having kids I've found a few more things to add to the list:
1) Get a good babysitter. If you don't trust the person your kids are with you won't be able to enjoy yourself.
2) Pump before you go. Any breastfeeding
3) Answer the cell phone only if it is the babysitter. Instead of leaving it in the car, bring it with you but only answer for the babysitter. Everyone else will wait.
4) The kids. Of course you will talk about them but make sure they are not the only topic of discussion. This is date night after all.
5) Don't stay out too late. A bit of a late night is fun, but don't close the bar or no one will be pleased with the middle of the night feeding.
We always go home happy and look forward to the next date night. I'd love to hear what are your favorite things about date night.
Happy Dating!
When I know MVH and I will have time for a serious, grown-up convo, I try that day to listen to NPR or read the newspaper or a magazine so I can bring up a topic that's out of our everyday sphere of knowledge. (We've been together a long time, and sometimes it feels as though we've talked about EVERYTHING.) He's a bright guy with an interesting perspective, and it's fun and challenging to hear what he has to say. Plus, I think it makes us look at each other as intellectuals and not just as husband/wife or dad/mom.