Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dating my husband.

I went on a date over the weekend.....with my husband.  It was really really nice.  We got a great piece of advice before we were married from the priest (who we consider a friend) that married us.  Keep dating.  Always.  Take the time to reconnect.  Don't just go to a movie and not talk to each other.  Even when life is busy and you have kids, don't forget the importance of the relationship between us.  Now, for a guy who has never been married I thought it was good advice then.  Now I think it is excellent advice. 

Date night - Athens (Sept 2006)

Every month we have date night.  We stick to it pretty closely (after each kiddo was born we took a brief hiatus and skipped a month).  Usually we go to dinner and take our time eating and talk.  We discuss anything from putting the toilet seat down to having children.  There are a few things we like to specifically ask or bring up.  Anything you want me to do differently?  Something I should keep doing?  What do you want to do in the next month?  Year?  Obviously this is not the only time we talk about this stuff but we both know we can and it is uninterrupted.  Date night is now more important than ever.  Our lives are busy and full of kids, diapers, dishes, laundry and the list goes on and on.  Remembering to keep our relationship strong needs to be a top priority and it sure is fun when we get the opportunity to do it in a quiet place together! 

So for now I will keep dating my husband.  It is something to look forward to every month....I suggest you try it.  You might learn something new about your partner or yourself. 

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