Monday, July 11, 2011


There must be a magic age where the transition occurs from being made to go to sleep and wanting to go to sleep.  This is the latest thought that came to me while feeding Euan at 1am.  I know two things for sure.  Most 23 month olds need helping knowing when to sleep and sometimes it is a fight (yup, Fiona is fighting her nap these days).  And if I can generalize I would say most 29 year olds would love to nap or sleep as long as they can at night. 

I vividly remember one day (I think I must have been in grade school) when my mom told me it was time to go to bed.  There was company at our house and I told her I didn't want to go and would never want to go to sleep at night.  She kindly told me that one day I would be happy to go to bed.  I of course thought she was crazy.  She was right, as she is about many things. 

So when does this transition happen?  High school?  College?  When you start your career?  When you can't sleep in anymore?  After you have kids?  I think it must be different for everyone.  I think for me it happened around early high school.  Feel free to share when it happened for you, I am genuinely curious!

There you have my very random thought of the day.  I think of such interesting things as I doze in and out of sleep. 


  1. I am still a night owl, however I do love naps! This started with Brayden...he loves his naps and loves to stay up late, but will always willing go to bed!

  2. I started to miss "normal" sleep when I worked nights (5p-1a) for about five years. This was when I discovered I was a morning person -- I loved going to bed early and getting up early. (I was in the wrong job!)

    Being sick also helped me learn how to love sleep! When I have a cold, if I go to bed early for a few nights, it helps A LOT.
