Friday, August 5, 2011

Euan & Dairy = Bad Day

On Monday we saw the allergist for Fiona (we did a skin test for soy & eggs which were both negative as they have been previously).  We will be doing a food challenge in September and I will keep my fingers (and toes) crossed.  While we were there we brought up the issues we had with Mr. Euan.  When his issues started I eliminated dairy for about 10 days and we thought we may have seen improvement in his demeanor, vomiting and pooping.  Once I eliminated soy everything was back to normal.  Based on that we were not sure if dairy was really a problem or not.  Ryan and I had discussed introducing dairy to see what happened and Dr. Lustig was supportive of that.  He said if it went well, great but if not he'd like to see him around his first birthday and he told us to let him know what happened.  Such a great doctor.  
Monday night I had some cheese in the form of my moms famous cheese dip.  It was heavenly and Fiona loved it too.  It was her first experience with it.  Her response was licking the tortilla chips clean and saying "Mmmmmmm" with a huge grin.  I didn't go crazy with the dairy as I was too nervous to do so.  Tuesday I had some cheesy lasagna, yummy!  I was feeling optimistic about it all and excited to eat cheese again.  Then Wednesday came along.  

Our happy guy (taken tonight)! 
Wednesday morning I noticed my happy little guy was crabby, gassy, wanting to eat every hour and not sleeping.  My Dad was here and we both were thinking the same thing.....dairy.  It was an obvious difference in his usual self.  Damn.  So of course I didn't eat any dairy on Wednesday.  Yesterday I noticed the changed in his pooping which had turned into diarrhea.  He had a few happy moments but was still very gassy.  Today was an overall good day, seems like the dairy is getting out of my milk and his system and we are getting our smiley guy back. 
We'll try again at a year but until then I will maintain my supply of rice milk and other dairy & soy free goodies. 

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