Thursday, September 1, 2011

Surgery tomorrow!

I'm a little nervous about tomorrow.  I'm having surgery to fix my hand (deQuervain's tendinitis).  The surgery essentially releases the fibrous sheath over the tunnel (where the tendons live) which relieves pressure on the tendons.  A few looser fibrous layer will form which will be less constrictive.  This will hopefully take away the pain and numbness!  My doctor said it actually takes him about 10-15 minutes.  So I wonder why I need to be there 60 minutes before surgery? 

I've opted out of the feel good drugs.  If I wasn't breastfeeding I'd take them.  I'll take my ipod instead and listen to some music.  I dusted off my Kindle and bought a new book as I might have a minute or two to read while I am twiddling my thumbs (or thumb).  

I think I'm nervous about the aftermath mostly.  I won't be able to use my hand for a while which of course isn't ideal with a 3 month old and a 2 year old.  I'm also worried because it is my dominant hand....and then my mind goes to crazy places where everything goes wrong.  It's the nurse in me, so I talk myself back from the crazy place.

Anyway, I'll take my nervous energy to bed now.  I'll post when I've had a successful surgery. 

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